Member Spotlight: Gift-Wrapped Rentals

Focusing on HMOs and SAs in the North West, we take a look at Gift-Wrapped Rentals in our NAPSA Member Spotlight series.

  • Sourcer Spotlights
Member Spotlight:                       Gift-Wrapped Rentals


We take a look at North West based and HMO / Serviced Accommodation (SA) specialists, Gift-Wrapped Rentals as part of our latest Member Spotlight series. Managing Director, Hugo Chester explains what makes them different when working with investors, how they got into property sourcing, and their future hopes for the sector.

About Us

We specialise in high-yield property investments, focusing on HMOs and SAs in the vibrant North West.

What sets us apart is our deep understanding of the local market intricacies and our commitment to personalised solutions. Our rigorous property analysis ensures optimal returns for investors.

Moreover, we prioritise transparency, guiding investors through every step. It’s not just about properties; it’s about crafting investment journeys aligned with unique goals. Choose us for a blend of local expertise, personalised attention, and maximum returns.

Let’s build your property success story together!

Geographical Areas: North West

Focus Strategies: Serviced Accommodation (SA), HMO, Rent to Rent, BRR, Lease Option

Why did you want to become a sourcer?

Becoming a property sourcer wasn’t just a choice; it was a passion-driven decision. The thrill of connecting investors with lucrative opportunities and helping them build their portfolios spoke to my entrepreneurial spirit.

Property sourcing allows me to fuse my analytical skills with market insights, crafting win-win solutions for both investors and sellers. It’s about more than transactions; it’s about transforming spaces, creating value, and fostering financial success for my clients.

Every deal is a puzzle, and sourcing lets me be the architect, designing paths to prosperity for those I work with.

What would you like to see from the sourcing sector?

In the sourcing sector, a robust framework of professional standards and continuous training initiatives would be invaluable. Training programs could cover evolving market trends, regulatory changes, and advanced negotiation techniques, ensuring sourcers stay ahead in a dynamic field.

Establishing a strong community for networking and collaboration can foster the exchange of insights and best practices.

Moreover, a commitment to transparent communication and ethical sourcing practices would elevate the credibility of the sector. Ultimately, a united effort toward professionalism, education, and integrity will not only benefit individual businesses but elevate the entire sourcing landscape.

What was your favourite sourced deal?

My favorite sourced deal holds sentimental value as it was for a friend embarking on their property journey.

Empowering someone to start building their portfolio and sharing the knowledge gained along my own journey has been incredibly rewarding.

It goes beyond a transaction; it symbolises the ripple effect of knowledge and support within the property community. Here’s to more deals that not only yield returns but also nurture the growth of others in the exciting world of property investment!

Why did you join NAPSA?

Joining NAPSA was a strategic move to enhance my professionalism and stay at the forefront of the property sourcing sector. NAPSA’s commitment to standards, training, and networking aligns with my vision for delivering top-notch services.

Being part of a reputable association provides a platform to continually learn, share insights, and contribute to the positive evolution of the industry.

NAPSA fosters a community where knowledge and best practices flourish, enriching not only my business but the sourcing sector as a whole.

Any advice you’d give to people thinking of going into sourcing?

Embarking on a career in property sourcing demands a solid educational foundation in market dynamics and regulations. Networking is pivotal—forge connections with industry experts for insights and opportunities.

Prioritise legal compliance; it’s the bedrock of a sustainable sourcing venture. Specialising in a niche, such as HMOs or SAs, can enhance credibility.

Master effective communication, continually learn, and stay abreast of market trends. Uphold ethical standards, leverage technology for efficiency, and embrace marketing techniques to showcase deals.

Persistence is key; view each deal as a learning opportunity. Best of luck on your sourcing journey!

Get in Touch

NAPSA profile:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07738 420 715

Want to Get Your Sourcing Company Found?

We’re always on the look out for professional property sourcing and deal packaging agents looking to get found by investors. You don’t have to be fully compliant to join – all our Members get 25% off training and documents, so if you’re just setting up now could be the perfect time to get your business on board!