Member Spotlight: Sandown Property Group

North East based, Sandown Property Group specialise in AS, BTL, Commercial Conversion, Flip, HMO and SA investment properties in Yorkshire and the Humber region.

  • Sourcer Spotlights
Member Spotlight:                   Sandown Property Group


In our next NAPSA Member Spotlight, we asked Richard Buckworth, Director of North East based Sandown Property Group why he got into this sector and what advice he would give to others.

About Richard & Sandown Property Group

Sandown Property Group are dedicated to facilitating connections between property sellers and investors through their personalised and hassle-free services. Whether in the market to buy, sell, or invest in properties, the team is committed to assisting in achieving their clients goals effectively.

The Sandown Property Group boasts extensive experience in property purchases and developments. Drawing on this wealth of knowledge, expertise and skill set, they have identified an opportunity to offer a tailored service to their clients and by honing in on the company’s attention to detail and process-oriented approach are excited to launch a business, aimed at delivering a bespoke experience that sets them apart.

Geographical Area: North East – Yorkshire & the Humber

Focus Strategies: Assisted Sales (AS), Buy-To-Let (BTL), Commercial Conversion, Flip, House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) and Serviced Accommodation (SA).

Why did you want to become a sourcer?

As a newly established business, it’s crucial to prioritise the due diligence process for the properties you intend to offer to your investors. This process ensures that we thoroughly research and evaluate each property to provide accurate information to our potential investors.

By being diligent in this stage, we set a strong foundation for building trust with our investors and property sellers. Building relationships with both investors and property sellers is key to the success of our business. Taking the time to understand the needs and preferences of these individuals will not only gain trust but also lead to more fruitful and long-lasting partnerships.

By focusing on like-minded people who share our business drive and values, you can create a network of individuals who are invested in mutual success. Maintaining transparency and clear communication with our clients is paramount in establishing credibility and trust.

By keeping our investors informed throughout the deal sourcing process and providing regular updates, we demonstrate our commitment to openness and accountability. This proactive and positive approach, coupled with thorough reporting procedures, will not only benefit our business but also enhance the overall experience for our clients.

What would you like to see from the sourcing sector?

In an ever changing industry, we believe that all Deal Sourcing businesses should be fully compliant to ensure their clients are not only receiving the best services available, but they are protected when using businesses like ours.

Why did you join NAPSA?

Sandown Property Group’s decision to join NAPSA reflects our commitment to upholding high standards in business operations. By diligently keeping track of training records, procedures, memberships and registrations, the company ensures that it is well-equipped to deliver a first class services to our clients.

Joining NAPSA not only signifies a dedication to compliance but also opens doors to ongoing support and resources that can help the company thrive in the long term. This proactive approach to professional development and regulatory adherence sets Sandown Property Group apart as a business that values excellence and customer satisfaction.

Any advice you’d give to people thinking of going into sourcing?

Organise a call with the NAPSA team, complete the training provided and ensure that your business is fully compliant. At the same time its not just about attending a course and registering with the required governing bodies. There is a lot of work to do but the output from this is a fully compliant Deal Sourcing business with the policies and procedures to provide a professional business to your clients.

Get in Touch

NAPSA Profile:

Email: [email protected]



Want to Get Your Sourcing Company Found?

We’re always on the look out for professional property sourcing and deal packaging agents looking to get found by investors. You don’t have to be fully compliant to join – all our Members get 25% off training and documents, so if you’re just setting up now could be the perfect time to get your business on board!