The Hub

Our one-stop shop for guidance around anything Sourcing and Investor related We’ve created the Hub to provide not only NAPSA Members, but other Sourcers and Investors access to support and guidance on a huge variety of topics.

Know Your Patch (Video)

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The Property Ombudsman (TPO) and The Property Redress Scheme )PRS) working together with NAPSA

Redress Schemes: Why Property Professionals Should Know About Them

  • General
  • Property Sourcing
  • Investors
What are Redress Schemes and why any property professional should be aware of the work they do to supervise our sector
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Investors: Questions You Should Expect From a Compliant Sourcing Agent

  • Investors
We've developed this guide to help prepare property investors to the types of questions they should be asked by a professional sourcing agent. If you're not being asked these - you should be asking yourself why.
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Illustration of man going through steps

Investors: How to Make a Complaint About a Sourcing Agent

  • Investors
We've created this guide to help investors make a complaint, should they need to against a sourcing agent or deal packager
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